Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Garden Tour~April

My bloggy friend over at I can’t Decide gave a garden tour here recently, it was so fun to take a walk through her garden with her. I thought I would like to do the same.  Plus, it’s extremely satisfying to look back the beginning of the season and see how much growth has happened.


I usually go out the side door when I go to the garden.  I just love walking down this rock path.  A couple years ago I transplanted all those hostas down the side of the fence, it’s so clean and pretty.  And because of the time of year it is, I also get to see our lovely flowering tree.


I love how it peeks over the fence.  There are hundreds of bees feasting on these blossoms and standing under it is exhilarating and terrifying in the same breath!  The other bush there is a Chinese Lilac, it will have white flowers and won’t get much bigger than it already it, but when it blooms it sure smells good!


Okay, back down the path.  First we’ll stop in the greenhouse to see how my seedlings are doing.  Today is very warm, mid 70’s, so I have the sky light open to let some heat out.


My beans are doing the best.  I planted two varieties, both are heirloom seeds and both are of the bush variety.


These three flats are all flowers and you can see that they are finally starting to sprout.  So exciting!


You can see my greenhouse on the left, when I leave the greenhouse I cross the backyard to the “front” of my garden.  As we cross the yard we must stop to admire the tulips that are absolutely gorgeous right now!


Tulips are my favorite!


And now on to the garden.  We will pass through the trellis that the kids gave me for Mother’s Day last year.  We have grapes planted on either side and I’m hoping that they make it up and over the trellis this year.


Walking to the left you can see (in this order): grape, 3 kiwi, and two blueberries.


Our Kiwi started getting leaves and then we had a frost, it lost most of it’s new growth but has started to recover.  I think I’m going to plant something in the soil in front of these plants, maybe strawberries.  I still have a bunch of strawberries to move around.

Our Currant Bush is loaded with baby fruit.


Of course they need to turn red still, but this bush is very happy and hasn’t been affected by the unstable weather. 

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I’m happy to see the blackberry waking up, there are actually two there.  And the raspberries are looking good too!

We have a side entrance/exit to our garden, which I failed to take a photo of, but on the other side of it is this Asparagus bed.  I think it’s so funny looking.  We did eat a few stalks of this, I sautéed them and we put them in our omelets.  Delish!


Two of our apple trees have blossomed, they are covered with bees too.  Don’t tell our neighbors but we have a hive hiding in a compost bin behind our shed.  It’s only there temporarily, just long enough to pollinate our apple trees and possibly our blueberries.023

In the herb garden I’m surprised to see the Parsley come back.  It’s not supposed to be MN hardy.


Strawberry planted some Dill in our herb garden too, but I haven’t seen any signs of it yet.  But the Echinacea is doing great!


It’s still too early to get the whole garden planted.  I’m trying to be patient.  I’m going to plant some more seeds soon, I want to get my greenhouse full of little plants!

If you’ve posted a tour of your garden, leave a link and I’ll be sure to take a stroll through it with you!

Happy Spring!

Mrs. Taffy


  1. What a beautiful yard you have! I love all of the walkways. The tulips are beautiful! It would be fun to have an asparagus garden!

  2. that was lovely! I could hear the bees and smell the blossoms!

  3. Beautiful garden! Your garden gives me inspiration and your tulips are beautiful too. When we lived in WA State we would grow tulips and go to the yearly festivals too and see acres and acres of tulips. I hope to get something in the ground next weekend before it gets too late.

    1. We used to love to go to the tulip festivals and the lilac festivals in Washington, there were SO beautiful! I hope you blog about your garden, I would love to see it!

  4. hi! Just want to encourage you to keep blogging as you inspire me to be a better homemaker with your posts. Praise God for he uses you as an encouragement to many.Your family reminds me of the American show "7th Heaven".Many thanks again and /god bless you and tour family more and more.
    in Christ,

    May (London)

  5. Really loved seeing your garden! So beautiful!!

  6. I enjoyed your tour! I'm going to have to garden vicariously through your blog and Briana's this year. We just moved and it is too late to plant most things here in Texas. I'll be ready by fall though!

  7. Great tour! Your yard gets more and more beautiful every year! Isn't it great to work on things like that over time and see the progression like this? I'm proud of the progress you've made and I, too, will live vicariously through your garden this year, as I don't anticipate planting much this year. You know, for the NEW owners of our house! :) Can't wait to see it this summer, when it's all growing wonderful produce.

  8. Thanks for letting us visit your garden. Your flowering tree is beautiful! I love lilacs and their scent also. I think adding strawberries in front of the other plants would be a great idea. With lots of children I don't think we can have enough plants!

    Echinacea grows so fast. I am transplanting mine all over the yard as I find new plants too close to the old ones. Someday I will have to try harvesting the roots.

    I hope your grapes make it to the top of the trellis this year!


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